Richard Habib

Richard Habib


It was a sad day Oct 3rd, 2015; a long time member of our club, volunteer and referee had passed away.  Richard Habib was known by many in our club as a coach, mentor, referee, friend - he had made a lasting impression on so many lives through his love for the game.  As Richard had done so many times before, he was officiating for our club.  During the game he became ill and could not continue.  Richard had suffered a heart attack and later passed away at Prince William hospital.

Richard had been a volunteer with our club for as long as many of us can remember.   He had not only coached several teams over the years, he had officiated games as well as making time to mentor several of our younger referees.  It is apparent that if it had something to do with soccer, Richard was involved. 

To say that Richard was one of a kind would be an undeniable understatement to all who interacted with him.  His continuous generosity, humor, wit, and the kindness he shared with those around him exist as only a few examples of the incredible person, father, and friend he was.

The NVSC Executive board has decided to name our recreational tournament in memory of Richard.  They felt that associating this bi-annual event with Richard would be an appropriate means of memorializing his commitment to our club, youth soccer and his joy for the game.  


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Clubhouse Information

Clubhouse Information

Office Address

14424 Bristow Road Manassas, VA 20112

Hours of Operation:

Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Wednesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Thursdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm