USL Y Questions and Answers
USL Y Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to participate?
NVSC will be forming teams in the following age groups: U11 (2015/16), U12 (2014) , U13 (2013), U14 (2012), U15 (2011), U16/U17 (2009/2010), U18/U19 (2008/2007) Boys and Girls. If your son/daughter falls into one of these age groups they are eligible to participate.
Is USL Y only available to NVSC members?
No, this program is open to all members of other clubs. This is a summer league and does not conflict with other club's travel teams. Based on summer season standings a team could advance to National Tournament in December.
How do I register for tryouts?
The first set of tryouts will be in January/February Additional tryouts, if needed, will be invitational only. If needed players evaluations at training sessions or games may also be used to pick USL Y Teams for the summer of 2025. Players must be registered prior to tryout/evaluation date. An invitation to join the team will then be extended to players that are selected for the team. A deposit will be paid to join the team if you are offered an invitation.
Where is training and games located?
Training and home games will be hosted at Hellwig Park. The majority of away games will take place in Virginia or Maryland.
How often and when is training?
Training will take place twice a week from mid- June through end of the season which is no later than first week of August.
What is the maximum number of players a team can carry?
USL Y allows you to have a pool of players available. Maximum roster is 24 players. Only 18 may dress and participate in 11 vs. 11 games (U13 and Older) and 16 for 9 vs. 9 games. (U11 and U12 Games) There is no guarantee for play time or to get on the game day roster. All players participate in training and scrimmages.
How many players play on the field?
When is the USL Y League season?
The season is played from early to mid-June and ending in early August. The USL Y League Finals are in December for teams based on final standings in assigned division (U12 and older). For the past ten years the location for this event is Florida. (Tampa or Sarasota/Bradenton at the IMG Academy).
Clubhouse Information
Office Address
14424 Bristow Road Manassas, VA 20112
Hours of Operation:
Tuesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursdays: 5:00pm - 7:00pm